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The Egypt FinTech Landscape 2023


July 17, 2024

The Egypt FinTech Landscape has had rapid development and a transformative impact on financial technology in Egypt. Let's check the keypoints of this development:

1.     Government Initiatives for Digital Payments

The Egyptian government is actively promoting electronic payments for government services through various projects like Government Electronic Point of Sales (GPoS) and Government E-commerce platforms. These initiatives aim to enhance convenience for citizens and optimize financial management for the Ministry of Finance​.

2.    Digital Payment Cards

The Central Bank of Egypt (CBE) is working on replacing traditional payment cards with the National Payment Scheme Card "Meeza." This includes replacing pension cards and state workers' cards, which facilitates the integration of pensioners and state employees into the banking system, offering secure and convenient electronic payment methods​​.

3.    Encouraging E-commerce for MSMEs

To increase the number of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) adopting e-commerce, the CBE has eliminated fees for activating e-commerce services. MSMEs are encouraged to use QR code payments and accept the Meeza card, fostering a more inclusive digital economy​.

4.    Digitization of Payroll and Remittances

The CBE is promoting the digitization of payroll through bank accounts, mobile wallets, and pre-paid cards, reaching millions of beneficiaries. Similarly, international remittances can now be received viamobile wallets, enhancing convenience and financial inclusion, particularly for women who represent a significant portion of remittance beneficiaries​​.

5.    Regulatory Developments

New regulations are being developed for digital banks, cloud computing, and electronic authentication. These regulations aim to create a robust framework for digital identity verification, cloud services in the banking sector, and overall digital banking operations, ensuring security and efficiency​.


These trends highlight the ongoing efforts to enhance digital payments in Egypt, driven by technological advancements, regulatory support, and government initiatives.